gerbv  2.6A
gerbv_user_transformation_t Struct Reference

#include <gerbv.h>

Data Fields

gdouble translateX
gdouble translateY
gdouble scaleX
gdouble scaleY
gdouble rotation
gboolean mirrorAroundX
gboolean mirrorAroundY
gboolean inverted

Detailed Description

Stores image transformation information, used to modify the rendered position/scale/etc of an image.


Definition at line 452 of file gerbv.h.

Field Documentation

gboolean gerbv_user_transformation_t::inverted

TRUE if the image should be rendered "inverted" (light is dark and vice versa)

Definition at line 460 of file gerbv.h.

gboolean gerbv_user_transformation_t::mirrorAroundX

TRUE if the layer is mirrored around the X axis (vertical flip)

Definition at line 458 of file gerbv.h.

Referenced by gerbv_export_rs274x_file_from_image().

gboolean gerbv_user_transformation_t::mirrorAroundY

TRUE if the layer is mirrored around the Y axis (vertical flip)

Definition at line 459 of file gerbv.h.

Referenced by gerbv_export_rs274x_file_from_image().

gdouble gerbv_user_transformation_t::rotation

the rotation of the layer around the origin (in radians)

Definition at line 457 of file gerbv.h.

Referenced by gerbv_export_rs274x_file_from_image().

gdouble gerbv_user_transformation_t::scaleX

the X scale factor (1.0 is default)

Definition at line 455 of file gerbv.h.

Referenced by gerbv_export_rs274x_file_from_image().

gdouble gerbv_user_transformation_t::scaleY

the Y scale factor (1.0 is default)

Definition at line 456 of file gerbv.h.

Referenced by gerbv_export_rs274x_file_from_image().

gdouble gerbv_user_transformation_t::translateX

the X translation (in inches)


Definition at line 453 of file gerbv.h.

gdouble gerbv_user_transformation_t::translateY

the Y translation (in inches)


Definition at line 454 of file gerbv.h.

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