Hello friends of gerbv (and all others too, of course) Time for the twelfth release of the Free Gerber Viewer, aka gerbv, the "errors-in-your-face" release. There is about two and a half months ago since I made the last release. The need for release has decreased since there are less and less severe bugs. And it has been both Christmas and New Year, so the family life has had precedence over implementing new cool features. What has been fixed then? The biggest visible change is probably the "popup error window". It's all thanks to Dino Ghilardi who described to me how GTK's logging works by sending me source code that I (ab)used. Now gerbv is more of a true X application. There are still some quirks around this that I hope I get your help to resolve.Sometimes an error appears and the program quits so you don't have a chance to be able to see the error message in that split second it appears. Fix that I must. If that happens you have a commandline switch so you can log all error messages to a file. Use -l or --log=. It's of course all described in the man page. Then there is this improved millimeter handling for gerberfiles. The only example I had using millimeter was broken from my point of view so I ask you to use it with caution and report all problems to me. Not as tested as I would like to. Daniel Dorau has written a short description on how to get Cadsoft's Eagle to generate proper drill files, and a small Perl script to accompanion that. It's available from the webpage and in the distribution under doc/eagle. Martin Sigrand added two buttons; all layers on and all layers off. Two new options in the popup menus; Swap with Above and Swap with Below. Now you can change the order of the presented layers by pushing them up or down. Then there are sleeve of bug fixes too including: * Minor compiler warnings using GCC 3.x fixed. * G55 implemented. Was actually found in an example in the "specification". Reported by Yuri. * Building on MacOS X. Patch from Charles Lepple. * Some filled polygons could have problems and not being drawn properly. Reported by Chris Ellec and Bruno Schwander. * 64-bit compilation warnings fixed. * Some ccw arcs could be drawn cw. Reported by Jukka Marin and Charles Lepple. * Plus signs in the coordinates of a drill file properly handled. Patch from Dan McMahill. The man page is update to reflect all changes in the usage of gerbv. Comments, patches and suggestions are, as always, very welcome. We use the bug database and feature request database available through sourceforge. Have a look there if you curious what's going on or if you have any idea that you think should be implemented in gerbv. Homepage for gerbv is still http://gerbv.sourceforge.net/ where a bug database, a feature request database, the CVS and a commit mailinglist is available. To download gerbv goto http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/gerbv/ and grab gerbv-0.12.tar.gz To install the program do 1. gzip -dc gerbv-0.12.tar.gz | tar xf - 2. cd gerbv-0.12 3. ./configure 4. make install Interesting configure options are: --help : Lists all options --enable-batch : Enable compilation of Guile/Scheme backends --disable-exportpng : Disable compilation of export of PNGs --prefix= : Install from dir